Don’t Give Up: 19 Quotes For When You Feel Like Quitting


Blogging about happiness, gratitude, and favorite things is usually a lot of fun. But we all have our bad days. Let me tell you, when things aren’t going well, it can be really hard to write about happiness, gratitude or anything positive. This summer, I’ve hit a few bumps in the road. Some of those bumps have felt more like enormous pot holes to be honest. And I’ve been discouraged, disappointed, and just plain feeling down. There are days when I really want to give up. To quote my grown  children, adulting is hard. I’ve been doing it a long time and there are some things that never seem to get easier.


don't give up


As I struggle to come up with positive posts, I look for positive words that tell me “don’t give up.”I collect quotes. It’s something I started as a teenager (many years ago). Words have power for good and bad. I try to choose words that will uplift and create positive feelings. I’ve shared many inspirational quotes in past posts. If you need more than the following 19, you can check here, here, and here. Or check out the “cups of cocoa” heading in my sidebar and select the “quotes” option.

I can honestly say that researching and designing the quotes and images below has lifted my spirits. The problems and struggles are not over, but I feel calmer, rested, and ready to fight another day. If you feel like quitting, don’t give up yet. Look for what inspires you and spend some time with it. Maybe it’s powerful words like these. Hopefully, they help.


19 Quotes For When You Feel Like Quitting


1. The sun is still there even when you can’t see it. Just wait. Things will get brighter. Don’t give up!


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2. Remember, this too shall pass.


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3.  Sometimes you just need to let it go and move on.


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4. The trick to success is to keep trying. Having courage means trying again even when you don’t feel like it.


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5. Give yourself credit for just surviving. Sometimes that’s the best you can do.


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6. Remember that some things take time. Give yourself the time you need. Don’t give up!


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7.  When I first saw this quote, it really spoke to me. More like screamed at me. Self-love is so important, but often neglected. Love yourself enough to make yourself a priority.


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8. Perfection isn’t a standard. It’s an obstacle. Let go of perfection and enjoy your amazing life.


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9. When it comes to life’s struggle, understanding will come, but you have to go through them to get there.


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10. Remember who you are. You are meant for greater things than this.


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11. I looked up the meaning of “sanctify.” It means to bless or make holy and sacred. Some of the most difficult things we go through can become our greatest blessings and draw us closer to God.


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12. It’s never too late to begin again. Make new choices. Create a new ending.


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13. Never let success get to you head. Never let failure get to your heart. This is great advice. Hard to act on, but worth it.


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14. Our reality is often influenced by what we focus our attention on. To move forward, you have to stop looking backward. Let it go and move on.


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15.  Dieter F. Uchtdorf gives such good counsel! Yes, life comes with sorrow and heartache, but we don’t have to add to it by holding on to bitterness and resentment.


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16. There needs to be an opposition in all things. You can’t know happiness without sorrow. There is no light without darkness. The day only exists in opposition to the night.


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17. Forget about having a good cry. Sometimes we just need to have a good laugh. When I’m overwhelmed, a good comedy, a silly joke, or a visit with a fun friend can lighten my load.


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18. In the long run, things will turn around. I’ve lived long enough to know that life comes in waves, ups and downs, and that things will change again. Hold on. Don’t give up. Things will get better.


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19.  Ultimately, the choice to change is yours. It’s your life and you only get one of them. Don’t waste too much time down in the dumps.


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All of these images were created with the idea that they should be shared. So please use the social media buttons to share a quote or two or three with your friends. You never know what someone may be going through. A kind and uplifting word or two could make someone’s day. That’s what I’m hoping these quotes have done for you.

As always, thank you for reading My Cup of Cocoa. Your comments are welcome. Please use the comment section below.



