The Best Gifts Ever

How many articles have you seen lately promising the best gift ideas ever? Perhaps you’ve had a few emails promising something at a great price that is sure to please anyone. Maybe you’ve searched in vain for that “perfect” gift. I have the answer you seek. No. Seriously. I know the what the best holiday gift is. The best thing to give someone at the holidays (or really anytime) is the gift of yourself. Corny? Yes. But true nonetheless. There is only one you and to the people who love you most, you are enough. Your children might be making Read More

Celebrating 2 Years of Postcrossing Fun

It’s my postcrossingversary! Yes, that’s a word. At least, it was in my congratulatory email from Postcrossing. I’ve been “making the world a better place one postcard at a time” for two years now. It’s probably time for an explanation and review for those of you who don’t know what Postcrossing is and what a postcrosser like me does. About the time I started writing My Cup of Cocoa, I also signed up at Postcrossing. The website enables users from all around the world to send postcards to other users (known as postcrossers). This is done in a random way. Read More

Seeing the World as Family

  Do you see the world as family? Last week, a Facebook memory popped up on my feed. It was something I posted 7 years ago, something my then 5 year-old-son said to me as I drove him home from kindergarten one day. He was talking to me about a family that we often carpooled with and had been friends with for some time. He told me that they were part of our family. I responded “Oh really?” To which he replied, “Yes, because the whole world is our family.”  And he was right, the whole world is family, and Read More

Let’s Celebrate Friendship Day

Did you know that the General Assembly of the United Nations declared July 30 to be International Friendship Day? I don’t really need a special day to celebrate my friends. I’ve got some great friends, and I am thankful every day for them. But it is nice to know there is a special day set aside just to celebrate friendship. My life is much richer because of the friendships I have. In honor of Friendship Day, I thought share a little about what makes my friends so great. If you’ve read my blog before, you’ll know I also love great Read More