Why Summer Reading Is Important

Do you have some books picked out for your summer reading? I have always loved to read. Some of my earliest memories are of going to the local library and picking out books. I can still picture the shelf where some of my favorite books were located. For some children, reading doesn’t come as easy. But it’s no less important. And I’d argue that reading is almost as important for adults too. Summer is the perfect time to set some reading goals. For children, time off school shouldn’t mean time off from reading. I spent five years teaching reading skills Read More

55 Ideas for Summer Blog Posts

It seems I have summer on the brain these days. That is probably because this Friday is the last day of school for my kids. We have also had some crazy hot weather the past few days. It’s been very summer-like. I’m talking 90+ degrees. Ugh! Technically, summer won’t start for another month, but it’s time to start planning for it. If you’re a blogger like me, planning for summer also means planning your summer blog posts. I started this list for myself, but have added to it and thought it would be nice to share it with everyone. I Read More