The Best Gifts Ever

How many articles have you seen lately promising the best gift ideas ever? Perhaps you’ve had a few emails promising something at a great price that is sure to please anyone. Maybe you’ve searched in vain for that “perfect” gift. I have the answer you seek. No. Seriously. I know the what the best holiday gift is. The best thing to give someone at the holidays (or really anytime) is the gift of yourself. Corny? Yes. But true nonetheless. There is only one you and to the people who love you most, you are enough. Your children might be making Read More

Making Choices Out of Hope Instead of Fear

I don’t know about you, but it seems everywhere I turn lately, I see a news story or read a Facebook comment or overhear someone talking about something that we all need to be worried about. Maybe even afraid of and probably angry about too. One thing I know for sure, making choices and taking action out of fear, anger, and other negative feelings is a mistake. It is much better to make decisions from a place of optimism, kindness, and love. Making choices out of hope instead of fear can make a big difference in our lives and in Read More