January 24 is National Compliment Day


Who doesn’t love getting a heartfelt compliment? Tomorrow is National Compliment Day. We’ve been hearing an awful lot of complaints, criticisms, and all out nasty comments in the past few days (weeks, months…). How about we set all that aside and pay some compliments instead?

You never know how much a few kind words can help another person. Can you think of a time when someone paid you a compliment and it made your day? Kind words cost nothing. If you notice something positive about someone else, why not share it with them? People need to feel valued, appreciated, or sometimes even just noticed. Your kind, honest compliment can literally change a life.


The Whys and Hows of Paying a Compliment


Generous Thoughts


Why Should We Give Compliments

I’m sure someone taught you if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. The giving of compliments is, at its heart, good manners. It is also a sign of kindness and generosity. These are all things our world needs more of these days.

Negative words lead to negative reactions and feelings. Vice versa, positive words create positive reaction, feelings, and even actions. There is scientific evidence that compliments (as well as positive work reviews and good grades) can stimulate people to work perform better. Compliments motivate people to be better. In fact, research has found that compliments stimulate the the brain in the same way as receiving money does. Pretty powerful stuff!

Receiving a heartfelt compliment makes us happy. Scientific data also strongly correlates feeling happy with a stronger immune system, lower stress levels, and better overall health. It can also make the brain work better.  So giving an honest compliment can not only make someone feel better emotionally, but physically as well. This is true of not only the receiver, but also the giver. Praising someone makes you feel good too. Doing good feels good.


How to Give a Compliment

  • Be Genuine – Insincere praise rings hollow and does not benefit anyone in the long run. Only give praise when you really mean it.
  • Be Specific – Don’t just say “great job.” Say “I really liked the way you completed that on time and your work shows a focus on details that is really impressive.” Instead of “I like your tie (dress, shoes, outfit)” mention how the color looks good on them or the style is flattering.
  • Be Generous – Don’t limit yourself to a few compliments if you see more you can give. When you see something you can praise, do it.
  • Slow Down – Watch the reactions you get from the compliments you give. You will see the happiness it gives others and, in turn, make yourself happier too.
  • Don’t Wait – When a word of praise pops into your mind, say it. Don’t hold onto it for another time. You never know how much time we have. No regrets. Live in the moment.
  • Take Time to Reflect – Look back at your day and the compliments you’ve given. If you keep a journal, write down your experiences. Note how they made you feel as well as how they affected others.
  • Give Yourself a Compliment – We are often hardest on ourselves. Be sure to tell yourself good things too.



speak it


One last thing to remember on National Compliment Day and every day. Learn how to take a compliment. Too many of us put ourselves down or sell ourselves short. Graciously accept the compliments that come your way. Take the credit when it is your due. Learn to see yourself in a more positive light and then shine in that light as you move forward.

Thanks for reading. Please leave your comments (or compliments) below.

