11 Ways to Show People You Really Care


It seems everyone lives such busy lives. We are always rushing from one activity to the next. Our eyes and attention are constantly attached to our phones, our computers, our televisions. In the hustle and bustle, we sometimes forget that it’s often the simple things that make life worth living. Sure, a grand vacation is wonderful, but so is a walk in the neighborhood with someone you love. You can take that walk a lot more often and at much less expense. Its the same with showing people you care. Grand gestures are great, but it’s the every day, seemingly simple actions and words that really mean the most.

Valentine’s Day was just a week ago. In the United States, it was predicted that we would spend $18 billion on gifts this year. Since we’re all broke now, I came up with 11 inexpensive ways to show your friends, family, neighbors, and co-corkers how much you care. It’s not about money, it’s about taking a little time.

Have you ever noticed that when you don’t take the time to think about what you can do for someone else, you usually end up spending more money? Think about those last minute Christmas gifts and all the extra shipping charges. So let’s slow down and appreciate one another instead.


1. A little more kindness, a little less judgement.

This one doesn’t cost us anything. We just need to be a little kinder to everyone and anyone. What if we tried withholding judgement and giving more sympathy? When we jump to conclusions, we are often doing so without knowing all the pertinent information. Slowing down and taking the time to give someone the benefit of the doubt is a great way to show we care about them.


kindness quote




2. Help Without Being Asked

This is one I am trying to teach my kids. If you see something that needs to be done, help out. Even if it’s not your assigned chore.  We’re all in this world together. We can all pitch in when necessary.  Sometimes my trash cans get left out by the curb and my neighbors’ son will drag them up to the side of the garage for us. It’s a simple act, but I always feel so cared for and looked after when I find they’ve done it.

There have been some flood warnings in my neighborhood this week. I had texts from several friends checking on my family. This morning, we had to put out sand bags, just in case. We had six friends show up to help, two of whom we weren’t even expecting. When we were done with our house, we went next door, shared the extra sandbags, and helped our neighbors. Our friends came along although they’ didn’t know our neighbors. Every one left cold and wet, but happier than we started.


help quote



3. Be a Volunteer

Volunteering is big in my family. I have spent years volunteering at the kids’ schools. The kids volunteer at two local libraries. The girls have both joined multiple service clubs in their schools. My son is a boy scout and is being trained on how to help others with his troop. My husband served 5 1/2 years as the leader of our church congregation in a voluntary capacity. He currently leads a group of scouts. I don’t say all this to brag. I say it because there are so many ways to volunteer in our communities. And there are so many needs we can help fill.

What are your particular skills and interests? Do you love animals? Check out the needs at your local animal shelter. Do you love books? Go down to your library. Do you enjoy working with children? Volunteer at a local school or recreation center. Do you have experience working with older people? Volunteer at the local retirement home. Maybe you could start a volunteer organization at your work place, your school, or your church. The opportunities are endless.




4. Just Listen

So often when someone comes to us we want to help solve their problem. But sometimes what they really need is someone to just listen to them. Lend a kind ear.  Try to be understanding. This can take time. It’s not something you can do in a couple of texts. If they ask for advice, you can give it. But if not, just listen.


hear quote



5. Share

This one goes all the way back to when we were toddlers. Mom and Dad always encouraging us to share.  Maybe you read a great book and you can loan it to someone. If you’re making a special treat, double the recipe and take it to someone else. Cleaning out closets? Make a donation to a local homeless shelter, library, Goodwill, Salvation Army, animal shelters, and even schools. We all have something we can share.


light a lamp




6.  Kind Words Cost Nothing

There are two phrases that come to my mind. I have used them both while teaching elementary school children. They are “Use your words” and “Catch someone being good.” If you appreciate someone, tell them. A friend or co-worker wearing an especially attractive color? Pay them a compliment.  See your son or daughter do something kind? Catch them being good and praise them for it. Love someone? Tell them. It’s that simple. Take a little time and give a little praise.


speak it




7. Put it in Writing

This one might cost you the price of a stamp, but it’s worth it. Write to someone you love and let them know you’re thinking of them.  Send a card, a note, a postcard, a whole letter! In our era of texts and email, getting something handwritten in the mail box is a rare treasure.


lendwroth quote



8.  Make Something for Them

Think about when you were a child. Remember all the special treasures you created for your loved ones?  My students have drawn all sorts of special artwork for me. It’s their way of telling me they like me. And I love it. My father is good at carpentry. It’s a hobby he enjoys and I have several pieces of furniture he has made over the years. They are treasures of mine.

What are your special talents? Can you draw, paint, crochet, sew, or knit? Are you a photographer? Do you make amazing chocolate chip cookies? Use your creativity. Make something special to show someone you care.


homemade quote



9. Give Encouragement

Do you have a loved one who is feeling down or discouraged? Be the positive force that encourages them. Maybe they need some one who sees their potential. When someone is discouraged, they often only see the reasons why things won’t or can’t work out. Be the person who sees the possibilities and share them. Be positive. Boost their confidence. Everyone needs a cheerleader now and then.


be an encourager


10. Show Respect

This is a big one. Think about  a time when someone has been disrespectful to you. How did it make you feel? Occasionally, my kids try disrespecting me. It makes me angry, but we all know that anger is just sad’s bodyguard. Never treat someone you claim to love with disrespect. It can damage their trust in you. Give them the respect the deserve. It is a great way to show them you care and it will strengthen your relationship.

You can show this kind of consideration to strangers too. Be respectful of people in line in front of you, to the store clerk waiting on you, even to the policeman who pulls you over. They will all feel your care and appreciation if you treat them with dignity and respect.


respect quote


11. Pay Attention

Do you take the time to notice the little things? Are you too busy to stop and take note of a new outfit, a new hair cut, or maybe even a sad face? Giving your loved ones attention is probably the most important thing you can do to show you care. No one likes to be ignored. Even my very introverted daughter likes some attention now and then.

Paying attention requires us to slow down and take a little time. It’s a matter of both quantity and quality. If you only pay attention once in a while, you’re probably missing some important things. And in order to really take notice of things, you need to be present. Remember: quantity and quality.

pay attention


There you go. Eleven inexpensive ways to show you really care. I hope you try one, two, or all eleven. Let me know how they work for you. Can you think of some more? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Thanks for reading and sharing!
