17 Quotes to Help Shine Light During Dark Times

Have you watched the news lately? Maybe you shouldn’t. Some days it seems like all we hear about are tragedies, victims, anger, hate, violence, crime, and wars. The world can seem like a very dark place. It can be discouraging and even frightening. It’s part of the reason I began this blog. I wanted to share some light during dark times. How we talk to ourselves and others has a big effect on how well we handle dark times.  Negative self-talk creates self-doubt, lowers self-esteem, and creates fear, anxiety, and even depression.  The same goes for how we talk about Read More

When Anger Disrupts Our Happiness

There are numerous studies that show how dangerous holding onto to anger can be. It not only disrupts our happiness, but it can also damage our relationships, injure our professional lives, and literally make us ill. Everyone feels anger. We are all human and anger is a basic human emotion. The key to keeping anger from having a negative influence in our lives is to recognize it for what it is and find positive ways of dealing with it. Don’t get me wrong. I get angry. In fact, I spent a number of years being really angry at several things/people. Read More