May is Mental Health Awareness Month

In case you haven’t heard, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. It seems like everyone is talking about mental health these days. It was recently reported that Oprah Winfrey and Prince Harry are creating a documentary about mental health for Apple TV. Celebrities and sports stars are speaking out about their own struggles with mental health issues. A quick search for “mental health news” shows that most major news organizations have a section dedicated to mental health stories. There is good reason for all of this reporting. Mental health issues are on the rise in our modern world and creating Read More

How My Bullet Journal Makes Me Happier

I’ve been using my bullet journal for almost a year. The system works for me. This is the longest I have ever kept a journal. The key to the bullet journal for me is its flexibility. I use what works, stop using what doesn’t, and can change my pages any time I want or need to. It feels good to feel organized. My bullet journal makes me happier. The bullet journal system might not work for every one, but I recommend giving it a try. You might be pleasantly surprised to see it works for you too.   What is Read More

Mindfulness Works: It’s More Than the Latest Buzz Word

If you spend much time on social media, you may be familiar with the buzz about mindfulness. A search on Pinterest will yield thousands of results. #mindfulness has over 4 million posts on Instagram.  I did a quick search of TED talks on YouTube and found over 100 pertaining to mindfulness. There are also several hundred apps for mindfulness. It seems like everyone is jumping on the mindfulness and meditation bandwagon. And it’s not just hype. The crucial thing to know is, mindfulness actually works. It’s not just a buzz word. Everyone is trying to sell you some peace of Read More